Cultivating a Compelling Presence with Frances Baldwin

Special ODN Lifetime Achievement Award Presenter Frances Baldwin
Live via zoom meeting.
My interest in an effectual definition of the word presence, especially, as it relates to the practice of organization development is only heightened as we navigate an environment in which both the speed of change and the changing nature of change itself, challenges our ability to add real value. If “presence” and the use of self are our most reliable tools, what are the implications/needs/methods for mastery of these commonly referenced yet somewhat indistinct phenomena?
Gestalt practices define presence as “the living embodiment of knowledge.” This implies that the, theories and practices essential to change are manifested in the behavior of the consultant. Whatever our intention or purpose, professional or social, in the experience of others we are content and process in action.
Objectives: Share and examine in conversation, perspectives on presence
- Common threads/principles that inform our understanding
- Presence as a birthright vs ability to develop
- Knowledge, skills, mindsets and behaviors associated with the most compelling presence we experience in people
About Your Presenter
M. Frances Baldwin, Ed.D. CPCC is an experienced international educator, organization consultant and executive coach. For 20 years she was an internal consultant: 6 years in the City of Palo Alto, California; 13 years at Exxon (Exxon-Mobil) domestic and European Petro-chemical and Research Companies.
Designed Wisdom clients have included aerospace, military, nuclear utilities, medical, faith-based organizations and international health services. Frances’ keynote appearances include: multiple U.S. and European ODN Network Conferences; global women leaders conferences such as the 2010 G20 Heads of State -Women Leaders’ Summit, Seoul, Korea.
As a senior host of The World Café method Frances promotes conversational leadership as a 21st century strategic tool; enabling organizations to reframe complex, problems into generative possibilities by accessing the untapped wisdom found in their own people.
A 2019 recipient of the ODN Lifetime Achievement Award and 2020 recipient of the Gestalt OSD Lifetime Achievement Award Frances is a certified Gestalt Consultant and Executive Coach.
Frances is also the owner and principle consultant of Designed Wisdom, Inc.

$20 Members rate
$20 Partners organization rate
$30 Non members rate
$15 Student/Senior rate
6:00 – 6:30 pm Join on Zoom, gather and network
6:30 – 8:00 pm Presentation
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