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OD Chats!

  • March 12, 2025
  • 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
  • CAPITAL HILL - Basecamp Coffee, 800 E Thomas St A, Seattle, WA



OD Chats!

We heard that many of you want more in-person networking and connection opportunities, so we're excited to start offering periodic in-person OD chats in the Seattle area. These will be informal chats, with light facilitation from PNODN board member Emily. We've chosen establishments that have coffee and snacks as well as alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks

The gathering is free of charge and everyone is welcome.

About Your Host

Emily Logan is an organization development and change management consultant, and a PNODN Board member At Large, determined to help companies rethink change so they are driving real behavior change, learning better ways of engaging across teams and across levels of hierarchy, and becoming better equipped for the changes they will inevitably face in the future. She's excited to prototype new ways of engaging PNODN members with you!


No charge

Consider joining PNODN - members savings over the course of the year are substantial!

"PNODN" is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

PO Box 46107, Seattle, WA 98146

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