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October 11, 2013 7:00 PM | Ann Baus (Administrator)
OCTOBER 11-13, 2013
A Retreat with Margaret Wheatley
Nalanda West
Seattle, Washington USA
What would it mean to claim a new role for ourselves in this darkening time, that of warriors for the human spirit? Most cultures have the tradition of warriors, those few people entrusted with defending the faith, the culture or the kingdom. In Tibetan, "warrior" means one who is brave enough to never use aggression. An ancient Tibetan prophecy states: "There comes a time when all life on Earth is in danger. Great barbarian powers have arisen. Although these powers spend their wealth in preparations to annihilate one another, they have much in common: weapons of unfathomable destructive power, and technologies that lay waste our world. In this era, when the future of sentient life hangs by the frailest of threads, the warriors emerge." As warriors we look like normal people doing regular jobs. However, we are extremely well-armed with two "weapons" -- compassion and insight. Well-trained in their use, we go into the corridors of power to dismantle the beliefs and behaviors that are destroying life. As warriors, we do not succumb to aggression or become paralyzed by fear. We know where best to offer the skillful means of compassion and insight. What does it mean for us to consciously choose the warrior role, to take our seat so that we may serve well in this destructive time? This retreat is based on Meg's most recent book,
So Far From Home: Lost and Found in Our Brave New World < > (Berrett-Koehler, October 2012), which describes how we ended up in a world no one wants, a harsh, destructive world that's emerged in spite of our best efforts to change it. And it invites us to take on a new role for ourselves, as warriors for the human spirit.
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