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Participate in the National Dialogue Network’s inaugural topic!

October 16, 2013 2:33 PM | Ann Baus (Administrator)

Participate in the National Dialogue Network’s inaugural topic!

NDN logoThe National Dialogue Network undefined winners of the 2012 NCDD Catalyst Award in the civic infrastructure category undefined launched a few weeks ago with their inaugural topic, ”Poverty & Wealth in America.”

Led by John Spady, the National Dialogue Network (NDN) seeks to coordinate local conversations into mindful national dialogue.

NCDD encourages all of you to get involved so we can learn as much as possible from this project! Here are two things you can do right now:

  1. Download the “conversation kit” to host/facilitate your own gathering of family, friends, neighbors, or community at; or
  2. Participate on your own by reviewing the background materials and answering their national survey directly at
  3. Show your support of the project by contributing a modest (or not-so-modest) donation at

The NDN network is a nonpartisan, voluntary working group of practitioners, educators and researchers in the fields of public engagement, governance, creative leadership, civic renewal, dialogue, deliberation and participatory decision-making in public issues. They’re building a voluntary civic infrastructure that connects conversations across the U.S. among folks who wish to examine a difficult and complex community issue with others who see the situation or challenges with differing perspectives, disciplines, or ideologies.

The NDN coordinates distinct individual and community conversations giving everyone a “sense of place” and voice within the larger national dialogue. NDN’s dedicated volunteers seek to revitalize and promote civic infrastructures within communities where all who choose to participate will impact the national conversation by:

  • Focusing intently on an issue over time with others;
  • Listening to the opinions and ideas being discussed in your community and across the United States; and
  • Speaking up about your own opinions and ideas in conversations with your family, friends & community.

Good luck to our good friends at the National Dialogue Network as they launch an ambitious project with a modest amount of funds! We welcome all those who get involved to share here what you’re doing, how you found the materials, and what you think can be learned to inform the next round.

"PNODN" is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

PO Box 46107, Seattle, WA 98146

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