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"Collaboration: Change the interaction, change the results - 4 Keys that Change EVERYTHING!"

January 29, 2014 8:00 AM | Ann Baus (Administrator)

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Join us for the next webinar on January 29, 2014 at 11:00 am CST/ 12:00 pm EST when Judith H. Katz and Frederick A. Miller will present "Collaboration: Change the interaction, change the results - 4 Keys that Change EVERYTHING!"

Collaborating across departments, functions and groups is a must for higher performance in today's business. It can help organizations solve complex problems quickly, come to decisions faster, and accelerate results, while enabling people to do their best work together.

But how can we enhance collaboration?

In this interactive webinar, Judith H. Katz and Frederick A. Miller will describe four simple behaviors based on their new book, Opening Doors To Teamwork & Collaboration: 4 Keys That Change EVERYTHING, that transform the way people interact, reducing waste in interactions, gaining greater clarity and fostering better collaboration.

Judith and Fred will discuss the 4 Keys and how they have implemented them in organizations around the globe and the impact the 4 Keys have had in bringing people together from very different backgrounds and experiences in order to foster greater collaboration and partnerships that eliminates waste and accelerates results.

Watch your email for future webinar topics and the diverse roster of presenters. Many thanks to Kris Lea and Professional Development Committee members Tanjia Coleman, Denise Easton, Janelle Farris, Barrett Horne, Judy Weber-Lucas, and Carlee Wolfe who are leading this effort and creating a wonderful program for our members.
Please click here to register today!

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