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Play It Forward - an educational conference at Antioch Universtiy

March 01, 2014 8:30 AM | Ann Baus (Administrator)

This educational conference will be held on March 1st, 2014 at Antioch University in Seattle from 9:30 am -3pm and will focus on various iterations of the concept of "play."


Play It Forward is a benefit corporation that offers interactive educational conferences about play to organizations and communities. We enable the exponential growth of play and playfulness as a key means to foster breakthroughs in innovation and productivity in order to achieve organizational results.Our hypothesis is that through these experiences, individuals and communities will be able to incorporate play as a positive force in all areas of life. Our team asserts that well-designed play leads to deeper connections, better health, and stronger, more innovative people and organizations.


The vision behind our conference is to create educational experiences that enable the exponential growth of play and playfulness as a key means to foster breakthroughs in innovation and productivity to achieve organizational results.

The conference will include a number of professionals in various fields, including academics (both from Saybrook University and Antioch University) and corporate and non-profit professionals, each with breadth and depth of knowledge about the many benefits of personal, group, and organizational play.The event will conclude with an Open Space forum activity where all participants collaborate to discuss calling questions around the relationship of play to the human condition

"PNODN" is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

PO Box 46107, Seattle, WA 98146

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